Compete with pedometers

Step challenge

The popular step challenge is a classic approach to a wellness activity that has activated thousands of companies over many years. Wellstep’s step challenge is simple and flexible, with participants using their pedometer to record the number of steps they take during the day. Each participant can choose between using a pocket pedometer, activity wristband, smartwatch or recording steps via an app.

In addition, it is also possible to convert other types of activities such as cycling, weight training, floorball and other activities into steps, so that they can be counted in the step challenge.

Move at least 30 minutes a day

Activity challenge

The activity challenge is a competition where all participants are motivated to move at least 30 minutes per day. The type of activity is less important, the important thing is that you do something. The fact that participants are free to choose an activity based on their interest is something that can increase motivation much more easily than exercise that is decided by someone else.

All activities score 1 point per minute. Many companies choose to raffle off prizes among the participants who reach the 30-minute target, either for the whole competition and/or for each week.

Our new activity challenge

Let’s Move

In our new activity competition Let’s Move, participants and teams compete to collect points and XP. Every day is a new competition period and the team needs to work together to get all three stars together for the day.

Register activities, collect points and compete against other teams by completing health promotion assignments every day.

Make a “Classic” with Wellstep

The Wellstep Classic

The Wellstep Classic is an individual challenge that can be done in a group, where you have to complete four events digital in one year. The four events consist of cross-country skiing, cycling, running or walking and swimming.

The challenge motivates people to exercise more throughout the year and as everyone does the same types of activities, it promotes joint initiatives which in turn helps to increase cohesion and well-being.